> The complete text comprises fifteen stanzas. The anthem is an acrostic: the first letters of the fifteen stanzas formed the name "Willem van Nassov" (Nassov was a contemporary orthographic variant of Nassau). In the current Dutch spelling the first words of the 12th and 13th stanzas begin with Z instead of S. [0]
On January 24, 1943, the newspaper Ilustrowany Kurjer Polski issued in Polish by the German occupiers published an innocuous poem "A satire against easy rhymes". The German censors failed to notice the acrostic "Polacy, Sikorski działa" (Poles, Sikorski [the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Armed Forces in the West] is active) [1, in Polish]. In 1944, Gestapo (the Nazi secret police) murdered the author of the poem, Eugeniusz Kolanko [2, in Polish].