> That said, a good way to get an angry rant from a truck driver is to talk about cars cutting in front so they no longer have an appropriate stopping distance.
If you do that then I'd imagine that the trucker is going to be more likely to just steamroll you rather than risking jackknifing.
If you hit a pedestrian because you don't want a 16-wheeler up your backside, you're as much at fault for murdering that person as the trucker who murders you by following too closely.
seriously? I get it, drivers in general are not cautious enough of pedestrians and cyclists. but if a 16-wheeler is following so closely that the other driver is at risk of getting rear-ended when they stop, the pedestrian is probably toast anyway. the semi is just going to push the car straight through the pedestrian. now instead of one person dead there's 10 tons of mass careening through the street out of control, putting a lot more lives at risk.
If you do that then I'd imagine that the trucker is going to be more likely to just steamroll you rather than risking jackknifing.