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Linus Torvalds isn't worried about Microsoft taking over Linux (zdnet.com)
28 points by CrankyBear on Oct 7, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Does anyone else remember the fictional story/memo form about 2005 in Wired magazine in which Linus Torvalds, who had been hired by Microsoft to build WinX (Windows proprietary UI over Linux) was complaining to Bill Gates and threatening to quit because Ballmer kept pronouncing it as "Winux" instead of "Winks"? That was some fantastic writing and a very interesting thought experiment... hopefully someone can find a link to that and share it.

I have a fever dream where the most popular Linux distribution is Windows 11. 0_0

WSL2 could soon be one of the biggest deployments of the Linux kernel. (Though WSL outsources the rest of the distribution work to existing distributions, so WSL itself maybe doesn't count as a distribution.)

I really hope not, mono cultures are bad for everyone.

Windows 10 has become the most popular Linux desktop environment as far as I'm concerned

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