Perhaps the most striking thing here is the surety of all these responses, it’s all nefarious, lies, sleight of hand.
I can at least sympathize with not being told what you did wrong, but this is still a he-said-she-said case. Until either SE or Monica releases details, the only two people who know are SE and her.
She posted her side of the story, with no material backing information making, as I’ve said, a he-said-she-said tale. We don’t know anything material of the exchange. Yet everyone feels compelled to assume bad faith on SE’s part.
Monica’s defence is proving a negative at this point. She claims she was removed without just cause. She has provided evidence that she was removed. However, it is difficult for her to prove there was no just cause. Maybe she could provide transcripts for her N years at stackoverflow detailing all her interactions with the community then we can be sure she was removed without good reason.
This is basically guilt determined by a closed court in which the accused has no representation and no reason is given for the judgement, and in fact even the rule they've been found guilty of isn't disclosed, even to them.
So what is it exactly that they've done to earn any benefit of the doubt?
A few dozen long-time moderators vouching for the one that was fired and stepping down should inspire some doubt. Personally, vague judgements that say "she totally, repeatedly overstepped the lines, and didn't want to change after we confronted her, but we won't comment on issues like these" always sound fishy to me. If they won't comment, they wouldn't have commented. It looks like "we're inventing reasons that make people shut up about it because we don't have an actual case that we could present".
I can at least sympathize with not being told what you did wrong, but this is still a he-said-she-said case. Until either SE or Monica releases details, the only two people who know are SE and her.