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Man tunnels into GameStop, steals games (thinq.co.uk)
26 points by Mithrandir on Jan 17, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Am I the only one who thought the tunneling from the title didn't refer to the actual digging of a tunnel, but some kind of an online attack aimed at a site called GameStop?

I assumed it was an SSH tunnel, and wondered if game stop had ISOs on a server and burn-on-demand business.

The last time someone had that much in a combination of muscle, patience, and stupidity, he built Burj Dubai.

Out of lego blocks? Because, besides stupidity (or megalomania) you sort of need some cash (or credit) too :)

A genuine minecraft fan.

...it's refreshing to see that some still long for a simpler time when a pickaxe and patience was all you needed.

Was thinking the exact same thing.

It's not stealing, it's copyri... oh wait.

You wouldn't tunnel into a car dealersh...

I'd be interested to know what the "trail of evidence" was the guy left behind. Did he lose his driver's license? Did he rent the empty building in his own name?

breadcrumbs of course.

There was actually a pre-release Duke Nukem Forever disk inside - worth 100K on the Hong Kong market... (j/k)

What a douche.

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