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Jobs in College
2 points by Hyeriuo on Sept 25, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hi! I'm in my final year of high school and I want to study computer science at University. It's always been my dream to go to college and learn. I studied a lot in high school and I participated at many competitions, so I didn't think I would have troubles in going to university. However, now I've found out my parents can't pay for my tuition fees and living costs. Also, there are no loans I can take out (I'm not in the USA, but EU).

Is there any job I could take as a student in order to afford to go to University? I would love to work in a field related to computer science, but I'm not sure I could find something.

Thanks a lot, any advice would mean a lot to me!

Which part of the EU are you based in?

There are multiple options available to people in your situation depending on your country of residence.

Romania. Thanks for the response!

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