As the author says, APIs for syncing are no fun. I also found that the tablet didn't keep up with my writing quickly enough at all.
It also didn't really allow for "let me just jot this down and then check it out later on my PC". Like, all I wanted was a "notes-<timestamp>.png" automatically in a folder on my PC to look at later, and that seemed completely impossible.
The writing experience improved a lot with an update this autumn. Doesn't seem slow at all for me, makes me wonder if you had a flawed or early version.
I bought mine in May, so that sounds like I just missed it.
Unfortunately, retailers in Switzerland don't stock it, otherwise I would like to check out the improvements to confirm that my experience was just blemished by being an early adopter.
Agreed that syncing APIs aren't great, although there's been a lot of third party software developed now that makes the use case you describe at least possible.
I bought one almost two years ago and sold it about a year later. I wanted to use it for doing math but the inability to see more than one page at a time while I was working made it painful. Ability to copy across pages would have also solved the problem, but that still doesn't appear to be possible. There is simply no way to keep developing an expression, line by line, beyond the bottom of the page.
I found that the two use cases I wanted most...:
* quick note taking
* syncing and reading long books
didn't work out that well.
As the author says, APIs for syncing are no fun. I also found that the tablet didn't keep up with my writing quickly enough at all.
It also didn't really allow for "let me just jot this down and then check it out later on my PC". Like, all I wanted was a "notes-<timestamp>.png" automatically in a folder on my PC to look at later, and that seemed completely impossible.