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Until Google gets its act together, here's a quick way WE can improve search
4 points by serveboy on Jan 14, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I was prompted to submit this entry to HN after reading this post: http://venturebeat.com/2011/01/12/google-search/

I've been doing what I describe below for a while and can't imagine living without it. I think with a bit of collaboration everyone can benefit and make Google suck less.

Install this Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/eidhkmnbiahhgbgpjpiimdogfidfikgf

And add this to the config:

# Make these domains stand out in results













# SPAM - never show these results






I'm hoping someone can compile a more complete list of the content farms so that I can improve my config (and therefore my search experience). Just adding the major ones (Experts Exchange, etc) as above already makes a huge difference. Could someone maybe post a gist on GitHub with a more complete config?

Here's my list of spam sites (I use OptimizeGoogle for firefox to filter them:












For programming questions, I created a very simple Google custom search engine, which works quite well for me - http://laughingcomputer.com/search/

bigresource.com comes up a lot when I'm searching for esoteric programming-topic solutions, and it's a totally worthless scraper.

Added it to a gist @ https://gist.github.com/779253

Excellent quick fix, thank you!

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