The recent TC article about why Greylock invested in Groupon got me thinking more deeply about metrics. Yes, we all (should) track things like conversions, our viral growth rate, etc. But are there some really unique metrics we're all missing?
That article made me think that there are. These lines prompted it: "They talked us though the obvious data such as customer acquisition costs and lifetime value and the economics of entering a new region. But they also dove into some unique metrics we’d never seen startups track before."
So I'd like to know: what are the best unique – and actionable – metrics you've tracked? I'd also love to hear how you reacted to those metrics, and what your outcomes were.
I want to compile a list on my own blog as a resource to other entrepreneurs, so if you'd like credit as a linkback or something, feel free to post that as well.
Visits by time of day & day of week. For a lot of sites traffic is very time dependent. People look at jobs sites in late afternoon, dating sites in the late evening, etc. By running our ads specifically in our peak period we tripled our CTR.
Scrolling metrics. We've found scrolling metrics to be a much better measure of engagement than time spent on site (which is often incorrectly recorded as 0 by many analytics systems for bounced users)