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It looks like a pretty and minimalist theme for various shells, that also provides hints when you are in a source code directory for the git status and the language version.

I use powerlevel10k, which is only for zsh. It looks quite similar, aesthetically, but it advertises having the best performance, using a special git status tool. But I know there are other APIs inside of git libraries, and also some rust-based libraries, that could be even faster.

Would be interested in a performance comparison.


Just did a little testing with the performance tool of the powerlevel10k author (https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-prompt-benchmark). I configured p10k to look exactly like my starship configuration:

Prompt Benchmark Results Warmup duration 8s Benchmark duration 2.023s Benchmarked prompts 50

In blank folder in /tmp // Starship Time per prompt 40.46ms <-- prompt latency (lower is better)

In blank folder in /tmp // Powerlevel10k Time per prompt 57.91ms <-- prompt latency (lower is better)

In Folder with git // Starship Time per prompt 44.16ms <-- prompt latency (lower is better)

In Folder with git // Powerlevel10k Time per prompt 65.58ms <-- prompt latency (lower is better)

Good work! I will take a look

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