Sorry, I was probably unclear. I imagine Cutter just tells you what each opcode does, no? does that too, with links to the ISA docs.
But here I mean that in the ChocoPy code you get explanations of what instructions do in the context of the program's semantics, i.e., how they relate to a higher-level view of what's going on. An example:
.globl $print
# Function print
lw a0, 0(sp) # Load arg
beq a0, zero, print_6 # None is an illegal argument
lw t0, 0(a0) # Get type tag of arg
li t1, 1 # Load type tag of `int`
beq t0, t1, print_7 # Go to print(int)
li t1, 3 # Load type tag of `str`
beq t0, t1, print_8 # Go to print(str)
li t1, 2 # Load type tag of `bool`
beq t0, t1, print_9 # Go to print(bool)
print_6: # Invalid argument
li a0, 1 # Exit code for: Invalid argument
la a1, const_4 # Load error message as str
addi a1, a1, @.__str__ # Load address of attribute __str__
j abort # Abort
Note that the different occurrences of lw and li explain the meanings of the magic constants in the code. This would be pretty hard to do from disassembly alone.
Ah sorry, at first I thought you meant something like: I did not try ChocoPy out myself, so I had no idea of the output to what you were referring, which is my fault. In any case, I hope I introduced Cutter/Radare2 to someone at least. :D
But here I mean that in the ChocoPy code you get explanations of what instructions do in the context of the program's semantics, i.e., how they relate to a higher-level view of what's going on. An example:
Note that the different occurrences of lw and li explain the meanings of the magic constants in the code. This would be pretty hard to do from disassembly alone.