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That's not actually true. There exist functions of a single real variable that have derivatives at the origin that are all zero, yet are nonzero. For an example, see the following:


Nevertheless, it is actually true that all complex differentiable functions satisfy this property, which is miraculous.

> There exist functions of a single real variable that have derivatives at the origin that are all zero, yet are nonzero

The function that is equal to 0 for x<1 and equal to 1 otherwise also satisfies this.

The more interesting statement is:

> There exist smooth functions of a single real variable that have derivatives at the origin that are all zero, yet are nonzero


fyi, that's the heavyside function

Well, sure. Not all functions are described by their Taylor expansions. But this very large class is. I agree, if the word “miraculous” applies at all in mathematics, then this surely is one.

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