With all respect- Docker packages a known code stack in a box. WASM creates a whole new code stack.
Docker, with all its problems, solves a huge problem for the enterprise. WASM, cool as it is, creates a new one.
I would love to see a WASM + unikernel builder, and some lightweight node scheduler that could plug into kubernetes, so you could run thousands of WASM packages on a node within a k8s cluster, rather than 10s of containers. That increase in leverage would justify the new code stack risk.
Docker, with all its problems, solves a huge problem for the enterprise. WASM, cool as it is, creates a new one.
I would love to see a WASM + unikernel builder, and some lightweight node scheduler that could plug into kubernetes, so you could run thousands of WASM packages on a node within a k8s cluster, rather than 10s of containers. That increase in leverage would justify the new code stack risk.