Donating money to charitable causes is just a way to do good.
When somebody does something good we shouldn't say "That must not be allowed because he is only trying to make himself look good".
Rather than try to prevent bad people from doing good things, we should try to do good things ourselves.
Condemning somebody else is a way to make yourself look good. How? When you say that someone else is bad you are implicitly claiming that YOU are not (that) bad. And you are just spending energy (if not money) to prop up your reputation. That is in fact kinda unethical because you are in fact doing nothing good to anybody else than yourself, just polishing your halo, by pointing out how bad some other people are.
When somebody does something good we shouldn't say "That must not be allowed because he is only trying to make himself look good".
Rather than try to prevent bad people from doing good things, we should try to do good things ourselves.
Condemning somebody else is a way to make yourself look good. How? When you say that someone else is bad you are implicitly claiming that YOU are not (that) bad. And you are just spending energy (if not money) to prop up your reputation. That is in fact kinda unethical because you are in fact doing nothing good to anybody else than yourself, just polishing your halo, by pointing out how bad some other people are.