Well, when people are promised untold riches if they simply "Become a programmer in 2 weeks with our Python bootcamp!" what do you expect?
Hordes are now flocking to this industry for the $$$, but have little-to-no interest in the craftsmanship/inner workings aspect of it.
I spent hours the other day helping one of our new devs solve an issue he couldn't solve himself, and after explaining why his code was broken several times in several ways, I got the impression he didn't really care about the backstory I was providing on stack vs. heap memory; he just wanted me to help unblock him as quickly as possible so he could continue to make progress on his task.
Hordes are now flocking to this industry for the $$$, but have little-to-no interest in the craftsmanship/inner workings aspect of it.
I spent hours the other day helping one of our new devs solve an issue he couldn't solve himself, and after explaining why his code was broken several times in several ways, I got the impression he didn't really care about the backstory I was providing on stack vs. heap memory; he just wanted me to help unblock him as quickly as possible so he could continue to make progress on his task.