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Money with an Expiration Date (npr.org)
5 points by DrAwdeOccarim on Aug 27, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

[Hi from Argentina!] I was going to propose to use ARG$ pesos but

> At 24 [1886?], he moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he worked as an importer and manufacturer and did well for himself.

The people with enough money can invest it in land, a hotel, an apartment or other asset. Poor people that can only save US$100 per month are doomed if they can't change the monopoly money for real money.

The concept has value. It needs to be discussed. Wages can be paid with money with different expiry dates. Say you get $1000 a month, with $500 in 30 day cash. $250 in 90 day cash and $150 one year and $100 permanent. Best way to handle it is with a tiered debit card, so people could use the short term cash for food rent and items on the basisof useit or lose it. The 90 day and annual could accumulate. You might be able to roll one type over for another period for a fee - say 5% for 30 day. 10% for 90 day and 15% annual. This would act as an impetus to spend money so other people in the economy benefit. The use of debit cards would allow the money to be refreshed so the merchant gets 30 day money on day 25 it is now 30 day money fresh in his hands. A huge sea of data, but easy for an accounting system to handle. The concept needs to be brainstormed but I think a viable economy would work with the correct settings.

Couldn't this lead to unneeded waste? Let's say of that $500 30 day, I only needed $400.00 of it to cover my needs. I'm left with either the choice of paying essentially a "tax" to convert it to a longer period or spend on products I don't need. We already have a lot of consumer waste that, in part, has led to major environmental issues. I worry a policy like this could exasperate the issue.

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