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Interesting! How exactly do you run the tests and the linters then? Pytest with flake8+pylint plugins? Separately? Serially? In parallel? Why flake8 and pylint at the same time, did you find significant differences?

We ask developers to make it part of their workflow, but the project is shared across a 50+ engineers and few people do that. We enforce it via Jenkins pipeline on every commit that get's pushed to our internal BitBucket Git server. The Jenkins BitBucket plugin is used to enforce a successful build before pull requests can be merged. It works, but it can be a little frustrating at times to see an endless steam of alternating failed then passed builds because few people run the checks before pushing.

We use a combination of Python Invoke and the flake8 & pylint CLI commands. At some point we plan to reinvestigate our use of Python Invoke as it doesn't run tasks in parallel--we were new to Python when we started this project two years ago and didn't understand the limitations of the tools we were using. (I should say, Python Invoke has worked out well for most of our developer centric tasks.)

We run both Flake8 and Pylint as we started out with Flake8 and later tried to use Pylint. The workload to fix the code base was too much for us as most developers are QA people learning good software design and how to share a large code base with their "extra", "volunteer" time. We've been slowly turning on more Pylint checks and cleaning up the code base. When we did try to move more quickly, we were deluged with complains about the cognitive load it placed on people and backed off.

We did find some differences, but I don't remember what they were and couldn't comment on the significance.

Thanks. It's a tricky topic, as Google has found as well: https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.c....

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