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I think a huge benefit is the readability of more complex expressions (e.g. when you start introducing zip, groupBy, folds etc into the mix).

If you want to show some code examples of list comprehensions, I'd be glad to show the equivalent without list-comprehensions in JS (which had a rejected proposal for list-comphensions https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/5eottt/why_the_..., no regret though), so we can compare the readability

I'll show an example in C#, which has some of the best list comprehension syntax in my opinion (LINQ):

  from category in categories
  where category.Name.Contains("food")
  join product in products on product.CategoryID equals category.ID
  select new {
      Name = category.Name,
      MostExpensive = 
        (from categoryProduct in productGroup
         orderby categoryProduct.Price descending
         select categoryProduct)
In C#, with HOFs, this becomes:

      category => category.Name.Contains("food"))
      category => category.ID, 
      product => product.CategoryID, 
      (category, productGroup) => new {
         Name = category.Name,
         MostExpensive = 
              product => product.Price)
The second higher-oder function form has 2 disadvantages that I see: (1) for every subclause, it must mention the lambda parameter again (with more filtering/ordering/mapping this becomes much more noticeable); (2) it is easier to mess up the order of parameters, especially for something like Join/GroupJoin, which takes 5 parameters.

It's probably this in JS:

        category => category.Name.includes('food'))
     .flatMap(category => {
       const productGroup = products.filter(product => product.CategoryID === category.ID);

       return productGroup.length === 0 ? [] : [{
         Name: category.Name,
         MostExpensive: products.reduce((a, b) => a.Price < b.Price ? b : a)

How about finding triples a<b<c<30 of pairwise relatively prime integers such that the sum of their cubes is a perfect cube? Here's a list comprehension in Python (notice the weird syntax Python uses for "let x = y", namely "for x in [y]" :P):

    [(a,b,c) for a in range(1,30)
             for b in range(a+1,30)
             if gcd(a,b)==1
             for c in range(b+1,30)
             if gcd(a,c)==1 and gcd(b,c)==1
             for d in [int((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1.0/3)+0.5)]
             if a**3+b**3+c**3==d**3]
I doubt that would look any nicer with higher order functions. Specially if you want to get the same efficiency: notice how here we test that gcd(a,b)==1 as soon as possible. In general efficient comprehensions involve pushing any filtering as early as possible, so with higher order functions you get an alternation of filter with map/flatmap.

Here's a (probably lame) attempt at a Python higher order version:

    flatmap = lambda f, l: [x for t in l for x in f(t)]
    flatmap(lambda a: flatmap(lambda b: flatmap(lambda c: (lambda d: [(a,b,c)] if a**3+b**3+c**3==d**3 else [])(int((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1.0/3)+0.5)) if gcd(a,c)==1 and gcd(b,c)==1 else [], range(b+1, 30)) if gcd(a,b)==1 else [], range(a+1,30)), range(1,30))
Maybe it would look nicer with some filters thrown in instead of abusing flatmap of empty lists, but it would be longer since you definitely need a flatmap for a and b, and either a flatmap or map for c.

I'd love to see a cleaner version with higher order function.

The same sensibilities apply in Haskell. These sort of longer, more structured problems are exactly when do notation comes out

    do a <- [1 .. 29]
       b <- [a+1 .. 29]
       guard $ gcd a b == 1
       c <- [b+1 .. 29]
       guard $ gcd a c == 1
       guard $ gcd b c == 1
       let z = a ** 3 + b ** 3 + c ** 3
       let d = z ** (1/3) + 0.5
       guard $ z == d ** 3
       return (a, b, c)
Translation of this into HOFs is straightforward (the method guard uses helps tremendously), but it's not worth it most of the time. In Python where HOFs are so restricted it would be even worse.

I agree.

Also as minor nitpick, I doubt your Haskell typechecks (haven't tried it): you forgot to take the floor of d.

Probably, I didn't check it.

I think the actual answer is messier: fromIntegral on a, b, and c.

How about finding triples a<b<c<30 of pairwise relatively prime integers such that the sum of their cubes is a perfect cube?

I'd have to ask why you'd want to do that, it seems more like the problem was fit to the solution you wanted to write rather than to fulfill some piratical purpose. I'm not going to contest that there's a lot of business logic that gets more complicated than that, but they are not described so mathematically elegantly. There's no way you could tell what your code does, or why, without a comment at the top describing why. And you can do that with your example. But real business logic comes from the fact that Bob in accounting entered the wrong job codes for two months, but they can't be changed because they've already been archived, and Karen in sales told one of her customers the job code would default to the wrong value if they entered 42 as the compliance code, then the CEO said we should make that the default from now on, but we realized 2 years later that it messed some other stuff up and our manager had it changed without telling anyone, but Frank the DBA already added a flag for that, but it stopped getting updated when he left 6 months ago.

In those real world situations, I doubt anyone would question that very long winded individual statements with a description for each one is way more easy to understand what's going on rather than the most concise code possible.

I am sure you are right about the real world, I wouldn't know anything about it. :)

I'm a mathematician and I do use a computer whenever I can. In that domain the problem I gave is a reasonable toy model of the code I sometimes write. In particular mathematicians like comprehensions because, as I'm sure you are aware, programmers borrowed that notation from us.

Here's the flatmap version with better formatting:

    flatmap(lambda a:
            flatmap(lambda b:
                    flatmap(lambda c:
                            (lambda d: [(a,b,c)] if a**3+b**3+c**3==d**3 else [])(
                            if gcd(a,c)==1 and gcd(b,c)==1 else [],
                            range(b+1, 30)) if gcd(a,b)==1 else [],

the a:b notation for JS is still in proposal phase https://github.com/tc39/proposal-slice-notation/pull/32, but I'll use it below to create ranges

I don't understand your `+0.5`, I've written below the transcription for your description

    [...1:30].map(a => 
      [...a+1:30].filter(b => gcd(a,b)==1).map(b => 
        [...b+1:30].filter(c => gcd(a,c)==1
          && gcd(b,c)==1 
          && Number.isInteger((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1/3))
        .map(c => [a, b, c])
Or another equivalent way:

    [...1:30].flatMap(a => 
      [...a+1:30].filter(b => gcd(a,b)==1).flatMap(b => 
        [...b+1:30].filter(c => gcd(a,c)==1 
          && gcd(b,c)==1 
          && Number.isInteger((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1/3)))
        .flatMap(c => [[a, b, c]])
Or another way (generating first all the triples):

    [...1:30].flatMap(a => [...a+1:30].flatMap(b => [...b+1:30].flatMap(c => [[a, b, c]])))
      .filter(([a, b, c]) => gcd(a,b)==1 && gcd(a,c)==1
                          && gcd(b,c)==1 && Number.isInteger((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1/3)))
with https://github.com/tc39/proposal-iterator-helpers, which would allow lazy evaluation, and make more sense than above

    (1:30).flatMap(a => (a+1:30).flatMap(b => (b+1:30).flatMap(c => [[a, b, c]])))
      .filter(([a, b, c]) => gcd(a,b)==1 && gcd(a,c)==1
                          && gcd(b,c)==1 && Number.isInteger((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1/3)))
without the slice-notation, it's really ugly (hence the proposal in the first link)

    Array.from({length: 30},(_,a)=>a+1)
      .flatMap(a=>Array.from({length: 30-a-1},(_,b)=>a+b+1)
        .flatMap(b => Array.from({length: 30-b-1},(_,c)=>b+c+1).flatMap(c => [[a, b, c]])))
    .filter(([a, b, c]) => gcd(a,b)==1 && gcd(a,c)==1
                          && gcd(b,c)==1 && Number.isInteger((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1/3)))

Now that I think of it, even the flatMap version builds a lot of unnecessary arrays. The comprehension isn't just more readable, it's also more efficient. (Unless you're using a fancy compiler like GHC that does deforestation, in which case the flatMap/filter version should be as efficient as the list comprehension.)

Those 2 solutions below, that currently work in JS, are equivalent to the python solution in terms of complexity

But, yes I'm not satisfied in terms of readability, I linked to a proposal for iteration helpers, which would do this lazy-evaluation, I don't know if it can do it deeply like you say, interesting thing to see

    function gcd(a, b) {
      return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : Math.abs(a);

    function isInteger(n) {
      return Math.abs(Math.floor(n + .5) - n) <= Number.EPSILON;

    const range = (start, end) => Array.from({length: end-start}, (_,i) => start+i)

      range(1, 30)
      .flatMap(a => range(a+1, 30).filter(b => gcd(a,b)==1)
        .flatMap(b => range(b+1, 30).filter(c => gcd(a,c)==1 && gcd(b,c)==1
                  && isInteger((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1/3)))
          .flatMap(c => [[a, b, c]])

    function* tripleSortedRelPrimeCubes(start, end) {
      for (let a=start; a<end; a++) {
        for (let b=a+1; b<end; b++) {
          for (let c=b+1; c<end; c++) {
            if (
              && gcd(a,c)==1
              && gcd(b,c)==1
              && isInteger((a**3+b**3+c**3)**(1/3))
              yield [a, b, c];

      [...tripleSortedRelPrimeCubes(1, 30)]

I think this looks about as clean as I expected, I definitely like the look of the list comprehension better. (But of course, this is just a superficial syntactic matter: there is no essential difference.)

Does JavaScript not come with a .flatmap or similar method? I'm not sure I like having to count the nesting to pass the appropriate number to .flat. Also building up a nested list and then flattening is less efficient than the comprehension which builds the flattened version directly.

The +0.5 is to deal with floating point. Sadly the cube root isn't always exact enough to be an integer when it should, so I used floor(cube root + 0.5) to round to the near integer and then checked if that rounded integer really was the cube root.

Have you tried running this? Is Number.isInteger lenient enough to actually find the solution?

Once you have lazy iterators (eg: generator expressions in Python) you can split your complex iterator operations into multiple lines without losing on performance nor conciseness, and increase readability over even list compréhensions.

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