> Configs / config generation is hard, and generally awful. If you don't see it that way, congratulations; you're either a genius in your field, you've got not enough experience, and/or you're wrong.
The point I'm trying to make is that you're describing broken frameworks, data flows, and work flows, and blaming it on config generation. If you have a counter example, I'd love to see it. Discussing these things in the abstract is pretty pointless and based in emotional language/semantic quibbling rather than meaningful things people can reason about and discuss, like code comparison or time tradeoffs.
Hell, because no specific GOOD examples of configuration-as-code have been brought up, literally everyone in this thread could be considering a different pet example of theirs. It's OBVIOUSLY a waste of everyone's time without examples. Why bother comment at all—to go out of your way to punch down without contributing to the discourse?
You say this is easy. Seems to me that you're claiming to be elevated above us all with something we don't know, claiming that everyone else is doing it wrong, all the while hiding behind anonymity.
Stop clutching your pearls and faking the victim. No one is punching down; you're claiming knowledge you don't have and are being called out for it.
Look at any one of the references cited in the thread.
The point I'm trying to make is that you're describing broken frameworks, data flows, and work flows, and blaming it on config generation. If you have a counter example, I'd love to see it. Discussing these things in the abstract is pretty pointless and based in emotional language/semantic quibbling rather than meaningful things people can reason about and discuss, like code comparison or time tradeoffs.
Hell, because no specific GOOD examples of configuration-as-code have been brought up, literally everyone in this thread could be considering a different pet example of theirs. It's OBVIOUSLY a waste of everyone's time without examples. Why bother comment at all—to go out of your way to punch down without contributing to the discourse?