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If I remember correctly, the advice to give raises randomly also appeared in a serious, non-ironic "How to become a CEO" book [1].

There, it was positioned as a way to make subordinates work harder and make them more loyal - people were assumed to react to fuzzy, random bonuses and raises better than to a linear relationship between results and pay.

[1] https://www.amazon.com/How-Become-CEO-Rising-Organization/dp...

Ah yes, from the famous executive consultant BF Skinner ...

Other famous executive consultants: Pavlov, Milgram, Zimbardo, Mengele, Torequemada, Machiavelli, Sade ...

This is how you reward children for good behaviour too, without decreasing their intrinsic motivation for said activity, a good reference for how to motivate without using money is "Drive" by Daniel Pink.

Works in animal training too. Intermittent rewards make them work harder because they “may” hit the jackpot from time to Time.

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