It's not that complicated. There are only like 20+ popular javascript (or Typescript, CoffeeScript, Dart, ...) frontend frameworks to choose from (Vuejs, React, Angular, ...) and their popularity changes over time. Several so called "native" solutions if you also want fast Mobile apps and HTML is not looking good enough (NativeScript, ReactNative or even Flutter). And there are like 10+ languages to choose for the backend development. And don't forget proper state management client-side to maintain single source of trust (Redux, RxJS, NgRx or Vuex)! Webapps are for teams of people nowadays. Frontend team and backend team. You need like 10 people to make modern SPAs properly, also with all the proper CSP, headers and caching settings. And you have to transpile the code to javascript after every change and 1.5 GB of JS dependencies and tools with web-based editor like VSCode. But all that is worth it because it's so interactive and modern. :)