This might not be a bug iin their Messaging app per se. I've noticed a similar problem with ListViews in general: often times what you appear to be clicking on and what you're actually clicking on are different. I've deleted the wrong contact and called the wrong person many times because of this. I've noticed that it happens most often during updates to the ListView (e.g. while it is loading); this leads me to believe it to be due to lack of thread synchronization.
I'm using CyanogenMod based on Android 1.6, but I have noticed this too. When this (rarely) happens in the call log, a press on one contact at the top of the list visually highlights another several contacts down.
I experienced a text message going to the wrong person just last week, running android 2.2 on my Evo. Completely unacceptable for a communication device, as discussed in the article.
Text messaging app is really dreadful on the N1. Worst bug I experience is hitting the messaging app brings me to the browser and the only way to get back to message is either going to a contact then going to view all threads from their or restarting the phone.
I guess you need a publisher like engadget to get the bug noticed by Google! That bug has discussed on HN & Reddit multiple times this year but was never a priority for Google until now.
I suggest you actually learn about the platform before performing the argumentative equivalent of throwing bits and pieces of monkey scat into the fray in the vain hopes of upvotes, or just out of sheer orneriness and wrong-headedness.
Thanks. I guess I see why they took the link off -- that thread has turned into a tremendous wreck. Only the first 40 comments or so are useful. The remaining 1280 are all "please fix it!!!!!!!".
Though I did like the comment that said, "This is like text roulette, please do not fix."
1) a warning that two of my messages failed to send wouldn't go away after "clearing" them in the status bar. Had to go to settings and clear all data and force stop the app. Not critical, just very annoying.
2) when auto-completing a name and selecting such name, it actually adds the next person in your contact list as the adressee.
I've had this happen on my Evo a good number of times. Mainly clicking on a text message thread to reply to someone clicks on a different person who is 2-3 people below in the thread list. It is very annoying as I've sent text's to the wrong person before.
I don't think I've ever had this happen, but my outbound texts on Sprint haven't worked for a week ("invalid number of digits") so I gave up and used Google Voice for texts instead, which is pretty nice as a work-around.