Quite a hyperbole for a prank few have heard of and which was fairly limited in scale.
If I had to name one prank that had great impact and that is still famous around the world, it'd be Orson Welles' The War of the Worlds radio broadcast, which at the time had the entire nation riled up, believing that aliens were taking over the world.
"[Hadley Cantril, a Princeton University psychologist] estimated that at least 6 million people listened to the program that October night. Of those, at least 1.2 million were frightened, disturbed, or excited by what they heard."
I can't name another prank that had such impact, can you? (OK, perhaps the one about Iraq having WMDs, but that was hardly funny.)
Quite a hyperbole for a prank few have heard of and which was fairly limited in scale.
If I had to name one prank that had great impact and that is still famous around the world, it'd be Orson Welles' The War of the Worlds radio broadcast, which at the time had the entire nation riled up, believing that aliens were taking over the world.