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That’s insane compared to elsewhere in Canada. $95 CAD for 150 Mbps up & down, unlimited data, here.

For $120 I could bump that up to 750 up & down.

Please name your provider, location and url to your plan. I find your claim very hard to believe.

That’s Telus’ fibre optic offering. You can see an overview of their plans here: https://www.clearwest.ca/telus-home-solutions/telus-internet.... Although this claims they are metered, Telus now claims they are not (at least, in my community).

And a bit more about the 750 plan here https://www.telus.com/en/deals-and-bundles/internet-750. The 150 404s on their website at the moment https://www.telus.com/en/shop/home/product/internet-150-150 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Th exact prices you see seem to vary depending on where it thinks you are, and it requires a street address and unit number to quote you exactly what I get quoted. I’m not going to give you my address to verify my prices, because I didn’t just fall off a turnip truck.

But if you google around you’ll see their pretty typical (eg. googling “telus internet 750 review” will give you a result that links to Telus’ page with Google adding that there’s a price range of $95-$140)

edit: more info, if you’re really curious https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r30805481-Telus-fibre-towns...

Telus fibre isn't available in the majority of Canadian locales. Currently only in select communities in BC and Alberta.


Do you think maybe that’s why I said “compared to elsewhere in Canada” and not “compared to every single other place in Canada”?

I have no clue how you convinced yourself I was unaware of this obvious fact. Two different links in my post clearly spell out every community it’s available in.

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