I feel like I should know about this and could probably find out with a little research, but thought I'd ask today seeing as there are so many crypto experts on HN.
If two people are exchanging encrypted email a third party could still observe the fact that communication was taking place even if the content itself were obscured. But what if a large number of people were posting encrypted data to a public message board? Only the recipients would know which messages were intended for them. Of course, this would mean attempted to decrypt every new message using one's private key, and getting nothing useful in the majority of cases - very inefficient, but also secure. For example:
pg: slkdjfbiofdnbdoibjowerni
swombat: poripmkbdoijdpohkdpjthkj
tptacek: sdflkjsdffnhhxgfjhlfkgjh
I try decrypting every one of these 'messages' (all of which would be much longer in reality) with my private key, but only swombat's resolves to plain text. Now I know his message was intended for me, but onlookers do not.
Obviously, there is nothing especially clever about this - it's just the old espionage technique of public signalling (through a classified advertisement or visual display) combined with a dead drop. Some twitter clients allow for the broadcast of encrypted tweets, for example. But I was unable to think of any obvious streams of encrypted material like this. Do such things exist, or are most people too paranoid to use them? I have no practical purpose in mind, it just came up as a hypothetical in a discussion, for which I was unable to think of a real-world example.
[ * ] PIR in a nutshell: Servers A & B contain messages 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. You ask server A to XOR messages 1 & 4 together and send it to you and you ask server B to XOR messages 1, 2 & 4 together and send them to you. You XOR the two streams and get message 2, but neither A nor B know what you asked them for. Obviously there are additional steps that make the system more secure, but that is the basic gist of how it works.