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Subject: Subscription Box Feedback
1 point by bobbytm on Aug 5, 2019 | hide | past | favorite
Hey there!

SUBJECT: Subscription Box Feedback

I'm the founder of this new Subscription Box (name hidden until launch) buying company. It's supposed to be designed for folks like you, so I'd love to talk to you about any pain you've got with Subscription Boxes and get some feedback on my idea.

Now, I know your time is valuable. You're a Subscription Box lover/buyer. I absolutely do not want you to feel like I'm trying to grab time from you. So I'm very happy to pay whatever you think is fair for an hour of your time. Even if that's more than your normal hourly rate because I appreciate this is a weird one-off thing.

Before we hop on a call, could you please fill this form (It will not take more than 5-10 minutes of your time)- https://gaurav445067.typeform.com/to/WfRt7E


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