What does “proper” mean? The author merely says that he decided to use the long s in one of the texts he quoted, he makes no claim that everybody should quote texts containing the long s just like that. I can see nothing wrong with that as long as the author doesn’t claim that to be the only “proper” way to do it. (He does not.)
This is what he says about his choice in the linked article: “I’ve copied out one of my favourite stories below (complete with long s for authenticity) […]” To me, this points to an explicitly aesthetic decision, not an invention of a rule for the proper use of the long s in quoted texts.
This is what he says about his choice in the linked article: “I’ve copied out one of my favourite stories below (complete with long s for authenticity) […]” To me, this points to an explicitly aesthetic decision, not an invention of a rule for the proper use of the long s in quoted texts.