Not even liens, but imagine what would happen to the person (and their business) if they were caught intentionally and maliciously building failure modes into the thing they were hired to build as a means to ensure they got paid.
But that's what I'm saying: Nobody would be fooled by that. It's not a believable story because anybody with any kind of business and/or reputation would not do that, and everybody knows that to be the case.
You'd be surprised. Had a BBQ at my neighbour's a few months ago. He runs a few dental clinics,so at least financially, he's miles ahead of me. He did a pretty big renovation project on his house. The builders conned him left and right. This was in the UK.
Back in Lithuania,where I'm from,some years ago, the government started a scheme,which encourages flat owners to insulate their buildings.Many blocks of flats were insulated,new cladding added, windows changed,etc. At some point,this thing came to the town,where I'm from. Local contractor hired some Ukrainians to do the work on the roof. There were disputes over the pay,etc. The end result? Many flats flooded,because the guys drilled some holes in the roof before leaving,which was fine during the summer,but so much,when heavy snowing started in winter.So the Ukrainians went back howe, the contractor is facing massive bills+ potential court cases and the residents are simply screwed. I worked in construction industry long enough not to jist hear but to see shit that won't fit any framework.
Well, you're not convincing anybody with a story about Ukrainians damaging roofs in Lithuania, because that's not what I'm talking about, and you knowing a guy in the UK that told you at a BBQ he was "conned left and right" doesn't mean anything to me since I've asserted your anecdotal stories are already not believable.
Won't be dragging my neighbour to the comments section to prove what I was told, however any basic google search shows more than enough articles how people get scammed by builder. BBC even has its own show- Rogue Traders,which exposes people that are much worse compared to what I mentioned in my previous articles.