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Maybe I misunderstand, but: In R allocating and copying huge return vectors for small changes on input vectors ruins performance. My understanding of Julia was that one advantage over R is the possiblity to mutate input vectors in place. Referring to the psort! example for Julia's multithreading I wonder why "We simply need to allocate one initially-empty array per thread" which to me looks like allocating huge vectors for small changes down the call recursion (and wastes memory by the number of threads). If Julia can mutate psort!s first argument global vector 'v' from multiple threads, why can't Julia also mutate a single allocated 'temp' argument global vector? Bonus: then psort! could just merge from one argument to the other and save copying back on each recursion level (along the lines of Segewick's nocopy mergesort)?


I found out myself: Julia can mutate a single temp buffer across all threads, and implementing Sedgewicks nocopy sort (with ping-pong merge) is faster, particularly when passing down preallocated buffer memory to the single threaded sorting Routine once N <= BIG_THRESHOLD. The following are measurements run with JULIA_NUM_THREADS=4 on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300M CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2594 MHz, 2 physical cores, 4 logical cores, replication code follows. Note that not only runtime of nocopy mergesort ist better, it also causes less garbage collection time. Conclusion: it would make sense for Julia's sorting interface to allow passing in preallocated buffer memory and to use nocopy mergesort behind the curtain. Of course true parallel sorting also requires a parallel merge.


  julia>   # 4 threads, mergesort, dynamic allocation
  julia>   @time for i=1:100 c = copy(a); psort!(c); end;
  166.270792 seconds (756.58 k allocations: 89.470 GiB, 15.34% gc time)

  julia>   # 4 threads, mergesort, preallocation per thread, re-allocation in single threaded subroutine
  julia>   @time for i=1:100 c = copy(a); tsort!(c); end;
  143.973485 seconds (658.00 k allocations: 36.972 GiB, 5.89% gc time)
  julia>   # 4 threads, nocopy mergesort, one preallocation, re-allocation in single threaded subroutine
  julia>   @time for i=1:100 c = copy(a); ksort!(c); end;
  129.715467 seconds (654.51 k allocations: 37.312 GiB, 6.43% gc time)
  julia>   # 4 threads, nocopy mergesort, one preallocation reused in single threaded subroutine
  julia>   @time for i=1:100 c = copy(a); jsort!(c); end;
  119.139551 seconds (449.91 k allocations: 29.846 GiB, 5.14% gc time)

  import Base.Threads.@spawn

  const SMALL_THRESHOLD  = 2^6
  const BIG_THRESHOLD  = 2^16

  # insertionsort
  function isort!(v, lo::Int=1, hi::Int=length(v))
      @inbounds for i = lo+1:hi
          j = i
          x = v[i]
          while j > lo
              if x < v[j-1]
                  v[j] = v[j-1]
                  j -= 1
          v[j] = x
      return v

  # single threaded merge (from t to v)
  function nmerge!(v, lo::Int, mid::Int, hi::Int, t)
      i, k, j = lo, lo, mid+1
      @inbounds while i <= mid && j <= hi
          if t[j] < t[i]
              v[k] = t[j]
              j += 1
              v[k] = t[i]
              i += 1
          k += 1
      @inbounds while i <= mid
          v[k] = t[i]
          k += 1
          i += 1
      @inbounds while j <= hi
          v[k] = t[j]
          k += 1
          j += 1
      return v

  # single threaded nocopy mergesort, one preallocation
  function nsort!(v, lo::Int, hi::Int, t)
      @inbounds if hi-lo <= SMALL_THRESHOLD 
        return isort!(v, lo, hi)
      mid = (lo+hi)>>>1
      nsort!(t, lo, mid, v)  
      nsort!(t, mid+1, hi, v)
      nmerge!(v, lo, mid, hi, t)
      return v
  function nsort!(v, lo::Int=1, hi::Int=length(v))
      t = copy(v)
      return v
  # multithreaded mergesort, dynamic allocation
  function psort!(v, lo::Int=1, hi::Int=length(v))
      @inbounds if hi-lo <= BIG_THRESHOLD
          sort!(view(v, lo:hi), alg = MergeSort)
          return v

      mid = (lo+hi)>>>1                 # find the midpoint

      half = @spawn psort!(v, lo, mid)  # task to sort the lower half; will run
      psort!(v, mid+1, hi)              # in parallel with the current call sorting

                                        # the upper half
      wait(half)                        # wait for the lower half to finish

      temp = v[lo:mid]                  # workspace for merging

      i, k, j = 1, lo, mid+1            # merge the two sorted sub-arrays
      @inbounds while k < j <= hi
          if v[j] < temp[i]
              v[k] = v[j]
              j += 1
              v[k] = temp[i]
              i += 1
          k += 1
      @inbounds while k < j
          v[k] = temp[i]
          k += 1
          i += 1
      return v

  # mergesort, preallocation per thread, re-allocation in single threaded subroutine
  function tsort!(v, lo::Int=1, hi::Int=length(v), temps=[similar(v, 0) for i = 1:Threads.nthreads()])
      if hi - lo < BIG_THRESHOLD               # below some cutoff, run in serial
          sort!(view(v, lo:hi), alg = MergeSort)
          return v

      mid = (lo+hi)>>>1                 # find the midpoint

      half = @spawn tsort!(v, lo, mid, temps)  # task to sort the lower half; will run
      tsort!(v, mid+1, hi, temps)              # in parallel with the current call sorting
                                        # the upper half
      wait(half)                        # wait for the lower half to finish

      temp = temps[Threads.threadid()]                  # workspace for merging
      length(temp) < mid-lo+1 && resize!(temp, mid-lo+1)
      copyto!(temp, 1, v, lo, mid-lo+1)                  

      i, k, j = 1, lo, mid+1            # merge the two sorted sub-arrays
      @inbounds while k < j <= hi
          if v[j] < temp[i]
              v[k] = v[j]
              j += 1
              v[k] = temp[i]
              i += 1
          k += 1
      @inbounds while k < j
          v[k] = temp[i]
          k += 1
          i += 1
      return v

  # multithreaded nocopy mergesort, one preallocation, re-allocation in single threaded subroutine
  function ksort!(v, lo::Int, hi::Int, t)
      if hi - lo < BIG_THRESHOLD               # below some cutoff, run in serial
          sort!(view(v, lo:hi), alg = MergeSort)
          return v
      mid = (lo+hi)>>>1                 # find the midpoint
      half = @spawn ksort!(t, lo, mid, v)  # task to sort the lower half; will run
      ksort!(t, mid+1, hi, v)              # in parallel with the current call sorting
      wait(half)                           # wait for the lower half to finish
      nmerge!(v, lo, mid, hi, t)
      return v
  function ksort!(v, lo::Int=1, hi::Int=length(v))
      t = copy(v)
      return v
  # multithreaded nocopy mergesort, one preallocation reused in single threaded subroutine
  function jsort!(v, lo::Int, hi::Int, t)
      if hi - lo < BIG_THRESHOLD               # below some cutoff, run in serial
          return nsort!(v, lo, hi, t)
      mid = (lo+hi)>>>1                 # find the midpoint
      half = @spawn jsort!(t, lo, mid, v)  # task to sort the lower half; will run
      jsort!(t, mid+1, hi, v)              # in parallel with the current call sorting
      wait(half)                           # wait for the lower half to finish
      nmerge!(v, lo, mid, hi, t)
      return v
  function jsort!(v, lo::Int=1, hi::Int=length(v))
      t = copy(v)
      return v

  a = rand(2000);
  b = copy(a); @time sort!(b, alg = MergeSort);   # reference
  c = copy(a); @time isort!(c);                   # insertionsort
  all(b==c) # regression test

  a = rand(20000000);
  b = copy(a); @time sort!(b, alg = MergeSort);   # single-threaded system mergesort used by psort and tsort
  c = copy(a); @time nsort!(c);    # single threaded nocopy mergesort, one preallocation
  all(b==c) # regression test
  c = copy(a); @time psort!(c);    # 4 threads, mergesort, dynamic allocation
  all(b==c) # regression test
  c = copy(a); @time tsort!(c);    # 4 threads, mergesort, preallocation per thread, re-allocation in single threaded subroutine
  all(b==c) # regression test
  c = copy(a); @time ksort!(c);    # 4 threads, nocopy mergesort, one preallocation, re-allocation in single threaded subroutine
  all(b==c) # regression test
  c = copy(a); @time jsort!(c);    # 4 threads, nocopy mergesort, one preallocation reused in single threaded subroutine
  all(b==c) # regression test

  # 4 threads, mergesort, dynamic allocation
  @time for i=1:100 c = copy(a); psort!(c); end;
  # 4 threads, mergesort, preallocation per thread, re-allocation in single threaded subroutine
  @time for i=1:100 c = copy(a); tsort!(c); end;
  # 4 threads, nocopy mergesort, one preallocation, re-allocation in single threaded subroutine
  @time for i=1:100 c = copy(a); ksort!(c); end;
  # 4 threads, nocopy mergesort, one preallocation reused in single threaded subroutine
  @time for i=1:100 c = copy(a); jsort!(c); end;

I believe the `psort!` code that was shown in the blog post was a 'toy example', meant to demonstrate how to use different parallel techniques, one of them being the use of thread-local state.

There's probably going to be a lot of development of parallelized code going forward. Maybe you could help? :)

Providing Julia Code for in-memory sorting, i.e. a binary mergesort with parallel branches and parallel merge plus a specialized sort for instable inplace sorting (better Quicksort, parallel branches only) is not a huge step from the code above: I could contribute that. If however, the expectation would be that the sort is more general, i.e. k-ary and performs for data actually being on ssd or even on disk (JuliaDB?) thats a complete different story: one would need to experiment with much more complicated algorithms such as cache-oblivious funnel-sort, parallel superscalar samplesort, real disk sorts ... I don't have time for that. How would I avoid duplicating the efforts of others?

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