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That makes some sense. I'm not sure where I stand on it.

On the one hand, it seems a bit unjust that smaller creators should be snuffed out for things that wash off the back of established players. A two tiered justice system isn't just.

On the other hand, it's a reasonable (and more cost effective) way to do more than nothing.

A bit gross, but it would probably work in YT's favor to suppress cries of injustice early. Would this even be a scandal if it only hit small creators?

> A two tiered justice system isn't just.

Luckily, this isn't the real legal system.

The way I look at it, it's really about the users affected, rather than creators. A creator with 100k fans has more people depending on them than a creator with 100 fans. It makes sense that Youtube would be more careful with the former than the latter, because of the customer impact.

I agree, but fortunately the smaller channels rarely have issues. People go after the larger creators because of the deep pockets and such. Better to start somewhere, at least.

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