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Dang, I just moved to WV for a software dev internship for the summer. Is it okay to drink the water in Charleston?

get a reverse osmosis system. Or buy RO filtered water from the local grocery store by the 3 or 5 gallon jug.

Edited to add: our household does this. we live in a rented townhouse, so we're unable to add our own plumbing or electrical stuff. Yes, it's an expense to buy our own drinking/cooking water, but we just don't trust city water. If you live in a nice area with a diligent water authority, that's fine, but those types of places are a vanishing minority in the USA nowadays.

Yes. I assume they're referencing the chemical spill several years ago, and the water has tested clean consistently since.

I've never heard of other issues with the water quality in Charleston (assuming it's city water and not straight from the Kanawha), and I consider it some of the better-tasting municipal water in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Maybe? The annual water quality tests for chemical contamination look reasonable.

But a quick check of boil water orders (i.e. bacterial infestations) suggests that Massachusetts needs five or six a year, and West Virginia needs five or six a week. That could be sampling bias.

My first thought was "fix or six a year? wow!" and then you got to West Virginia. That's terrible.

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