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It's just the Earth's immune system finally kicking in. We need to stop fighting against nature and start working along with it. We cannot sustain ourselves without this planet and we're not going to find a replacement anytime soon.

The intelligence that makes a seed grow into a flower is the same intelligence that will protect the Earth from these insane beings who live on its surface.

Anthropomorphizing Earth does not do anyone any good. It's not a living creature, nor does it contain a single "immune system."

If an organism were 'alive', self-sustaining and fully conscious in space what would that look like?

This planet won't explode because of climate change. Don't be a drama queen. We may not be able to sustain 7 billion people, but why do there need to be billions of humans anyway? There's no good argument other then they are alive and killing humans is bad.

The planet is only responding to a stimulus and experiencing a sort of fever which will cause major shifts in human consciousness by inducing increased suffering and eventually mass-ego destruction.

It is at this stage that we will be able to work with the underlying intelligence of the Universe and reach our next stage of evolution.

The 'end of the world' only means the end of the mind-identified state of consciousness and a return to pure consciousness and the end of all suffering.

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