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How does this work? I thought Slack deprecated their IRC gateway; is this all API-based then?

> Sblack works exactly like a browser with small tweaks.

Looks like it just wraps the website in this case.

Yes there are clients that use the API. Slack offers a http rest-like api as well as a websockets realtime api. For example, wee-slack[1] (weechat plugin for slack) and slack-term[2] (curses client in golang).

[1]: https://github.com/wee-slack/wee-slack

[2]: https://github.com/erroneousboat/slack-term

They advertise 20 MB instead of 180 MB and not being Electron, so I would bet it's Slack's web client wrapped in macOS's built-in WKWebView, plus some custom CSS to support dark mode.

>Sblack works exactly like a browser with small tweaks. We inject the dark mode style at the end of the Slack’s html, and that’s it.

Another benefit of this is that Safari/WebKit does better with battery life than Chrome. I'll have to give this client a look.

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