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The founder, and sole developer of Mutable Instruments (a well known modular audio/synth maker) wrote about her recommendations on how to get started in audio programming here [0]. Much recommended for the cited books, and general/business advice on making a hardware audio product.

[0] https://forum.mutable-instruments.net/t/new-to-coding-where-...

The reply like this is what I was hoping for! BTW, the actual forum thread (linked at your link) seems to exist only in the Google cache at [0], or am I missing something?

[0] https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:dJGP5n...

I saw that too after posting! Thanks for posting the link to the Google Cache. The book recommendations and suggested progression are really great — Mutable / Émilie is awesome in all kinds of ways..!

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