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Initially, the availability issues were fixed by rationing (dreaded food coupons), then by improving production and transport, and finally the Berlin Wall fell, after a short hyperinflation almost everybody can afford basic food and most kinds of produce (except meat) are cheap.

The problem is somewhat flipped now that affluent people overeat or eat fast food due to time pressure. These are more expensive than produce and basic components (excluding most kinds of meat, still) even including preparation and work required. Fewer people cook at home, though healthier take out options are quite available in many places. Small restaurants, kinda like old American "greasy spoon" but healthier and more often with disposable cheap packaging and cutlery - big catering is barely competitive. Replacing in many instances previous "milk bars" with both cheap and more gentrified options depending on area.

I think the main difference is how near these are to living and work spaces.

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