It's like practical fusion, always 5-10 years away. The reasoning appears to be that since the Chinese refuse to follow the western consensus, their economy must then collapse.
In fairness, the examples we have of communist economies have all eventually collapsed, although it took many many decades for the USSR to do so.
China, so far, hasn't collapsed. Does that mean there's something fundamentally different about it that avoids the fate of the USSR, Venezuela etc? Maybe. But it's not like "fails to be capitalist, will collapse" is totally specious reasoning. It's just extrapolation from past example.
They are mentally filed away, so I don't have them off-hand sorry :)
But it was largely due to their lack of credibility on China that I had to unsubscribe. Open up any Economist article on China and you'll quickly see what I mean.
I just file all these away along with the other 8447372 similar articles predicting the imminent collapse of China.