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All you're doing then is moving the evolution of the language into the common libraries, community conventions, and tooling. Think of JavaScript before ES2015: it had stayed almost unchanged for more than a decade, and as a result, knowing JavaScript meant knowing JS and jQuery, prototype, underscore, various promise libraries, AMD/commonjs/require based module systems, followed by an explosion of "transpiled to vanilla JS" languages like coffeescript. The same happened with C decades earlier: while the core language in K&R C was small and understandable, you really weren't coding C unless you had a pile of libraries and approaches and compiler-specific macros and such.

Python, judged against JS, is almost sedate in its evolution.

It would be nice if a combination of language, libraries, and coding orthodoxy remained stable for more than a few years, but that's just not the technology landscape in which we work. Thanks, Internet.

It's apples and oranges.

Python was explicitly designed and had a dedicated BDFL for the vast majority of its nearly 30 year history functioning as a standards body.

JS, on the other hand, was hacked together in a week in the mid-90s and then the baseline implementation that could be relied on was emergent behavior at best, anarchy at worst for 15 years.

Agreed, but the anarchy of JS was a result of a dead standards process between the major vendors that resulted in de facto freeze. The anarchy is direct result of a stewardship body not evolving the language to meet evolving needs.

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