Speak for yourself. You must be envious of a whole lot of shady people if your bar is so low. I don't even know how you keep track of them all, let alone prevent all that envy from eating you up inside! I've got much better things to do with my time and aspirations and stomach lining.
(By the way, every wanna-be Instagram/YouTube/Twitter influencer has "multiple campaign fronts". And "ambitious product ideas" are a dime a dozen and worse than worthless. They distract you from practical product execution.)
Maybe you too should take his excellent advice and "compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today", instead of envying him.
(By the way, every wanna-be Instagram/YouTube/Twitter influencer has "multiple campaign fronts". And "ambitious product ideas" are a dime a dozen and worse than worthless. They distract you from practical product execution.)
Maybe you too should take his excellent advice and "compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today", instead of envying him.