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NCD (Network Computing Devices), who made X Terminals, came up with a sound server called "NetAudio", based on the X11 server, protocol and client library, with the graphics ripped out and sound stuck in.

I used it in the early 90's to support the Unix/X11/TCL/Tk multi player version of SimCity, with a scriptable TCL/Tk audio server that could drive either /dev/audio on Sun/SGI/etc or NetAudio on NCD X Terminals. Other TCL/Tk clients like SimCity (but possibly others) communicated with it via the TCL/Tk "send" command, which bounced messages off the X server.


NetAudio had its problems, but basically worked. Except that it insanely mixed audio by AVERAGING (add waveforms then divide by the number of sounds) instead of adding and clipping, and I couldn't convince the NCD engineer that was the wrong way to mix sound, and to just add and clip instead, like sounds mix in the real world: When you talk over music, the music volume and the volume of your voice doesn't magically lower by half. Hopefully they've fixed that problem by now.


It evolved into the Network Audio System (NAS):


I can't say how popular it is, or if anyone actually uses it, though:

The Release version is now 1.9.4 (10/07/2013).

I've always wanted one of those NDC boxes to use - they're just kinda hard to get working on a modern network.

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