* ranger is vim-inspired file manager with built-in viewers and extensive capabilities. In addition to POB (plain old bash) and mc, it's a go-to for me. https://github.com/ranger/ranger
* TWIN is the Text WINdowing environment. Yes, it's a full-on windowmanager for console. Somewhat rusty, but if nothing else, a novelty. https://sourceforge.net/projects/twin/
* mpv and mps-youtube: play media (audio and video) in console. mpv supports many sites and formats, while mps-youtube specialises in everyone's favourite video monopoly. Both offer numerous compelling advantages over Web UIs, starting with no comments or recommendations. mpsyt's search and locally-managed playlist features are a real treat. https://mpv.iohttps://github.com/mps-youtube/mps-youtube
* xine and mpv framebuffer and ascii-art (aalib) modes. Play full-screen video in console, either as framebuffer graphics, or rendered as text characters (not great, though novel). Bonus: try the 'bb' aalib demo.
* bc, dc, units, and ipcalc; all forms of calculators, from general to RPN to units-aware to IP functions.
* ranger is vim-inspired file manager with built-in viewers and extensive capabilities. In addition to POB (plain old bash) and mc, it's a go-to for me. https://github.com/ranger/ranger
* TWIN is the Text WINdowing environment. Yes, it's a full-on windowmanager for console. Somewhat rusty, but if nothing else, a novelty. https://sourceforge.net/projects/twin/
* mutt: email, 'nuf said
* irssi: IRC
* surfraw; "elvi" providing CLI access to online tools and an Ecuadorian connection. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Surfraw
* wikipedia2text: Wikipedia on the command line. https://packages.debian.org/stretch/wikipedia2text
* tootstream: CLI Mastodon client. https://github.com/magicalraccoon/tootstream
* mpv and mps-youtube: play media (audio and video) in console. mpv supports many sites and formats, while mps-youtube specialises in everyone's favourite video monopoly. Both offer numerous compelling advantages over Web UIs, starting with no comments or recommendations. mpsyt's search and locally-managed playlist features are a real treat. https://mpv.io https://github.com/mps-youtube/mps-youtube
* xine and mpv framebuffer and ascii-art (aalib) modes. Play full-screen video in console, either as framebuffer graphics, or rendered as text characters (not great, though novel). Bonus: try the 'bb' aalib demo.
* bc, dc, units, and ipcalc; all forms of calculators, from general to RPN to units-aware to IP functions.
* BSD Games. Because.