1 keeps a log of temperature/pressure/humidity using sense hat;
1 has a backup of my photos on an external hd (and also has an sds011 dust sensor (https://github.com/glgraca/sds011).
But my best project has been a picture frame using a Pi Zero W that receives photos via Telegram. My kids' grandparents have this also and they love it (https://github.com/glgraca/PiFrame).
I once took one on a holiday to watch Netflix at night.
1 keeps a log of temperature/pressure/humidity using sense hat;
1 has a backup of my photos on an external hd (and also has an sds011 dust sensor (https://github.com/glgraca/sds011).
But my best project has been a picture frame using a Pi Zero W that receives photos via Telegram. My kids' grandparents have this also and they love it (https://github.com/glgraca/PiFrame).
I once took one on a holiday to watch Netflix at night.