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Google Living in a Dream World - Why Android/GoogleTV/Chrome are Failing (techcrunch.com)
9 points by replicatorblog on Dec 21, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Directionless article with numerous trying-hard-to-be-trendy Inception screen shots and one way over-stretched metaphor.

Is there any reason why this tired rag keeps getting HN posts ? Does anyone still find it even vaguely interesting or relevant ?

MG Seigler: the trollmaster at work. Add this man to your "banned from my internet" list.

More bare assertions than anything else you will read today.

Best comment from Bamd:

The article makes a lot more sense coming from MG if you know that his original title was "Google is Dead."

Then he realized that quarterly results will be out before too long, which might make the article look a little silly, remembered some things from watching Inception again last night, and bam, here we are.

This reads exactly like the 'why iPhone will fail' articles when it was first introduced. Apple would have had no idea about the actual world of telecom and blablabla.

Android doesn't appear to be failing. We better not let the facts get in the way of a story.

Did you read the story, or just this site's headline?

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