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Since the media is all about feminist propaganda nowadays, this fact is not being mentioned in the headline.

Although it is the most important part of the data. Why are men increasingly chosing to end their lifes?

Could there be a relation between the growing dominance of anti-male 4. wave feminist viewpoints in society and propaganda in the media and this statistics?

Coincidentally the fourth wave feminism started exactly one year before the increase in suicides.

"Eschew flamebait. Don't introduce flamewar topics unless you have something genuinely new to say. Avoid unrelated controversies and generic tangents."


The question of corellation between both aspects is definitely worth to be asked, and it's relevant.

It's ideological battle, which the site guidelines explicitly ask you not to do on HN. Once someone starts going on about "feminist propaganda" or any other classic ideological flamewar topic, curiosity departs, the same way wild animals depart a forest fire. Please don't do that to the threads here.

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