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What challenges do you see, and why do you think that they are unsolvable?

Climate change and capitalism.

Have a Matt Elliott, as relevant as ever: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_PuPfj8AqIw

Climate change is probably inevitable, but we humans will adapt to it; we will solve the problems that come from it; I actually see a high chance we will get basically unlimited free energy from renewables before we destroy the world.

Capitalism will get changed/fixed. At a local level, move to a sane country ;) At a global one, first realize we are much much much better globally than at any other time in history; we will keep improving.

Even in the USA, we're arguably better overall that at any other time in history; yes, Trump is a step back, but it's just so we can get impulse

> we're arguably better overall that at any other time in history.

Even a basic look at where we are shows this as untrue. Our health care is more expensive, life spans are declining, wages dropping when compared with inflation, housing costs rising. We don't have to dig very deep to see that we are going downhill.

We have problems. I believe they are solvable. But we've got to stop denying that we have them.

I see you got downvoted for it, but I respect your faith that the problems will be solved. Just don't let it lul you into inaction, because believing they will be solved and believing they will solve themselves are two different things.

The unlimited free energy part could have happened today but we as humans have collectively decided that letting the planet cook a bit until the fry pan is starting to vaporize is a reasonable trade off in exchange for a little profit. The solutions are obvious and right in front of us: a carbon tax to compensate for the externalities. It might be radical in some people's eyes (it really isn't) but it is guaranteed to work.

Capitalism is just a system to allocate resources fairly. Under some very optimistic circumstances it works amazingly well. But if you forcibly distort the system and don't account for processes that are a net benefit for individuals but produce negative value for society at large then it's nothing but self destructive.

Capitalism isn’t a “challenge”. Capitalism is the reason our world is much more comfortable today than ever, as the cost of luxuries goes down through competition between multiple companies.

So really, just climate change is our problem. We need a sustainable way to obtain resources to further fuel capitalism and approach post-scarcity society.

> Capitalism is the reason our world is much more comfortable today than ever

At any given point I'm one week away from homelessness or starvation. Having skin cancer is better than having pancreatic cancer - but neither of them are good.

That’s not capitalism’s fault. It’s your own personal situation.

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