I've been programming mostly in Java for 20 years, and in the past whenever I picked up web development it always felt like a kludge. JavaScript was inferior to Java, CSS was frustratingly difficulty to lay out components, and HTML forced me to treat my application like a printable document. Tools and libraries weren't as efficient or robust. Then I had to test on 5 different OS/browser combinations and implement ugly workarounds to fix the inevitable discrepancies between platforms.
Recently I've been developing in Flutter/Dart, and it's so enjoyable. The Dart language is an improvement on Java, the Flutter documentation and online support is great, apps look and behave the same on different devices, the API and underlying code is well designed. Plus the tooling and IDE integration is first-class.
Recently I've been developing in Flutter/Dart, and it's so enjoyable. The Dart language is an improvement on Java, the Flutter documentation and online support is great, apps look and behave the same on different devices, the API and underlying code is well designed. Plus the tooling and IDE integration is first-class.