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There are tools like sqlacodegen [1] to generate the model code from the database and liquibase [2] for migrations and diffing.

> And I just don't see any benefits for us with the database-first approach.

The main motivation for this is that the database is likely to outlive the application code and you will get a cleaner database design than what the ORM would generate for you [3].

> For context, we have 1 database/schema shared by multiple projects.

Sounds like trouble to me. Is there a reason for this design? Normally each project should have its own database.

[1] https://pypi.org/project/sqlacodegen/

[2] https://www.liquibase.org/documentation/diff.html

[3] https://blog.jooq.org/2018/06/06/truth-first-or-why-you-shou...

> Sounds like trouble to me. Is there a reason for this design? Normally each project should have its own database.

Each project is a "microservice" but they use the same data so they are connected to the same database.

But I don't think anybody really thought deeply about it. It was probably more like "monolithic architecture = bad, microservice architecture = good".

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