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I dislike how much focus Apple and other companies put on Memoji's, Emoji's, Bitmoji's, Animoji's and all other shitty, cartoon representations of their users.

Emojis are one of the few reasons why people update their OS. It is a great win for security.

I've never thought of this, but wow it seems so true. Whenever a new batch of emojis come out, my friends start sending them which entices me to go update immediately.

Perhaps they're onto something here. Clickbait in the service of security? The black hats are already using the darker side of mass Internet behavior. "Secure your computer with this one weird trick!"

Do you have an example of this in the wild?

This is the only way I'm able to convince my family to upgrade sooner rather than later. Nothing quite like square-box-triggered FOMO to force an upgrade.

Excellent insight.

One wonders - how long can updated emojis continue to motivate people to upgrade? Diminishing returns will have to kick in at some point. But there is still more room for innovation in the Messages app.

Good thinking!

Why not just auto-update the OS??????????

Non-auto-updating software is the problem

I suspect you and I are not the target demographics. My daughter was extremely chuffed that she will be able to design animojis now on her old iPhone SE.

PSA: for those that haven't soaked in sufficient britspeak, "chuffed" means delighted.

Perhaps that's the case...

You might dislike it, but one has to assume these companies have data showing users love them.

Just let people enjoy what they enjoy.

That makes sense, @tomglynch, but I covered it, since it was in the keynote :)

Admittedly, I use them pretty frequently myself...

I actually use them a lot via FaceTime and it's definitely motivates me to update faster, so I'm all for it.

It makes me sad that 47 year old tech (emoticons, 1972) is the fore-running value add of a $900b company.

Thousands of year old technology (wheels) back billion dollar transportation companies.

Nobody makes "now, our vehicles come with WHEELS, the new ROUND kind!" their main selling point.

Apple spent like 30 seconds of the keynote on it.

Ever bought a tire?

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