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> (there is no FFI/C lib Ic an bind my Rust app to)

Language choices in both have set off my "this is doomed to obscurity" alarm bells for precisely that reason. You don't write the reference implementation for a new Internet protocol—especially the core library for it, and especially a very complex one—in a language that can't easily be included in most other languages. So, probably C.

Dat in particular seems great but ain't no way I'm relying on a large JS project for anything I don't absolutely have to, on my own time, especially if it deals with my files.

With regards to IPFS (don't have much experience with Dat), I have a hard time understanding how choosing Go to implement their protocol, as well as Javascript makes it doomed for obscurity. A lot of distributed/decentralized applications and platforms are being written in Go. This is the first time I've heard this argument.

Not to mention you can call into Go funcs over shared libs from C.

Rust is a great language definately, but not using it is a completely sane design choice. C has been a source of a number of security issues due to memory management, that type safe languages solve.

Not to mention, there are various parts of the IPFS/LibP2P stack that are being written in Rust by other teams.

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