I've read many times in comments here on Hacker News that the speed of your database or disk access is the biggest bottleneck for your server-side web app. Therefore, the speed of your server-side programming language is not important (or less important).
Does this still hold true? Given that SSDs are now commonly used by many hosting providers - is database/disk access still a bottleneck for server-side web apps?
The database is the bottleneck because it's much harder to scale than applications.
The path of evolution in the industry:
1. Stateful application - usually only 1 server, not distributed at all. It's very hard to scale.
2. An obvious solution is to make application stateless and having a centralized state. Then the application is very easy to scale and operate. And databases slowly became the bottleneck because there are much more applications than databases.
3. Then not so obvious solution is to split your problem domain into solution contexts, where every context become an application and each application have a database to talk to. So the databases are still not really distributed but it's sort of distributed by your sub-domain of business. (I think it's the industry mainstream or becoming mainstream now)
4. Then the non-obvious solution is to have truly distributed states split across your application. Basically, the goal is you can distribute any object across a whole lot cluster, in a more or less transparency way which lets you treat the cluster as a whole without concern about individual machines. (There are some cutting edge stuff yet to become mainstream, like Orleans / Lasp-lang or just cluster/shared actor like Akka, or just distributed Erlang, etc)
It's an interesting example that short-term solution is in a totally different direction from the powerful solution. To address this in short-term is to extract and centralize the state, while to address this in the long-term is to truly distribute the state.