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Google rewards reputable reporting more than left-wing politics (economist.com)
8 points by ariwilson on June 6, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Out of the 100 largest newspapers, 57 endorsed Clinton, and 2 endorsed Trump. The world of large, reputable news sources is slanted towards the left. Google aggregates these news sources, so of course it will also be slanted towards the left. There's no way out of this for Google.

Are newspapers supposed to endorse the same as the public votes? I would say 57-2 is about what I would expect when a bunch of educated, and engaged citizens set out to determine if Trump should be President. Seriously, not supporting Trump is no indication that you slant left. It means you know incompetence, fraud, demagoguery, and disaster when you see it.

Why would you blame Google for that?

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